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2022 TREB

Technical Report for the Delaware Estuary & Basin

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, in conjunction with other environmental practitioners in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, recently released the [galink url=”” title=”2022 Technical Report for the Estuary and Basin (TREB)” blank=”true” ecat=”Downloads”
eaction=”PDF” elabel=”2022_Full_Report.pdf” evalue=”0″ /] to update environmental indicators discussed in the 2017 TREB. The purpose of this update is to provide readers with insight into the status and trends of select natural resources in the Delaware Estuary’s Watershed, home to approximately 9 million people.

The Partnership worked closely with the Delaware River Basin Commission, state and federal agencies, universities, and its 21-member Science and Technical Advisory Committee to share data and provide at least 5 years’ worth of updates for more than 70 key environmental indicators throughout the Delaware Estuary. Indicators were carefully chosen based on the data available and its ability to help readers understand current conditions and future needs.

According to the report, the state of the Delaware Estuary is “fair.” Some environmental conditions appear to be improving, while others appear to be worsening. Similarly to the 2017 assessment, data suggest that the current health of the Delaware Estuary and River Basin is and remains unchanged from the 2017 Report. This and other prior Estuary Reports can be viewed below.

Questions about the 2022 TREB can be directed to LeeAnn Haaf.


For a less technical, more scaled-down version of the TREB, you can read the 2023 State of the Estuary Report.

2022 Technical Report for the Delaware Estuary and Basin

[galink url="" title="2022 Complete Report" blank="true" ecat="Downloads"
eaction="PDF" elabel="2022_Full_Report.pdf" evalue="0" /]

[galink url="" title="Introduction" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Executive Summary_Introduction.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="Chapter 1 - Watersheds and Landscapes" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter1_Watersheds_and_Landscapes.pdf" evalue="0" /][galink url="" title="Chapter 2 - Climate" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter2_Climate.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="Chapter 3 - Water Quantity" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter3_WaterQuantity.pdf" evalue="0" /][galink url="" title="Chapter 4 - Water Quality" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter4_WaterQuality.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="Chapter 5 - Sediments" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter5_Sediments.pdf" evalue="0" /][galink url="" title="Chapter 6 - Habitats" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter6_Habitats.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="Chapter 7 - Living Resources" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter7_Living_Resources.pdf" evalue="0" /][galink url="" title="Chapter 8 - Restoration" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Chapter8_Restoration.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="Appendix A - TREB JEDI Audit" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="JEDI_Audit.pdf" evalue="0" /][galink url="" title="Acronym List" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="Acronym_List.pdf" evalue="0" /]

Previous Reports

Previous Reports
[galink url="" title="2017 Technical Report for the Estuary and Basin" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="TREB_2017_new_complete.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="2017 Technical Report for the Delaware Estuary and Basin Informational Poster" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="2017TREB_InfoPoster.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="2013 State of the Delaware River Basin " blank="true" ecat="downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="2013brochure.pdf" evalue="0" /]
[galink url="" title="2012 Technical Report for the Estuary and Basin" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="PDE-Report-12-01_Technical+Report+for+the+Delaware+Estuary+and+Basin.pdf" evalue="0" /]
2012 State of the Estuary Report
[galink url="" title="2008 State of the Estuary Report" blank="true" ecat="Downloads" eaction="PDF" elabel="SummerNews08.pdf" evalue="0" /]
2002 State of the Estuary Report