Climate Change Overview

Data and Reports

What impact will climate change have on the Delaware Estuary?

The media is filled with images of melting Arctic ice and stranded polar bears. But how will these changes affect folks in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania? In 2008, the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary decided to study the local impacts of climate change by participating in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Ready Estuaries Program. This investigation brought climate science home with local predictions by focusing on three vulnerable resources: drinking water, shellfish and wetlands. Released in 2010, Climate Change and the Delaware Estuary assessed the vulnerabilities of these three key resources and laid out a plan to help the region prepare for the changes ahead.

With the science in place, [galink url=”” title=”Weathering Change” blank=”true” ecat=”Downloads” eaction=”PDF” elabel=”weathering_change.pdf” evalue=”0″ /] was also launched, to help engage community leaders and spread the message of preparedness and adaptation.

How Can We Adapt?

For the Delaware Estuary, climate change will require adapting to rising waters from the sea, and from the land. Coastal communities in particular need to be aware of sea level rise projections when planning for the future of their neighborhoods. Communities, businesses, and homeowners can use “green infrastructure”–natural materials like plants and soil used to make natural features–to adapt. Living shorelines are one example for protecting our coasts.

Others can be used on properties to slow the flow of stormwater and absorb it into the soil, helping to prevent flash floods. By planting trees and installing rain gardens, property owners can also create landscapes that absorb excess water and filter it before it reaches our waterways. There are so many ways to adapt your home and community for the changing climate ahead. Sign the pledge and Take Action for Climate Change!

You can help combat climate change:

Sea Level Rise Maps

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