The table below lists all scientific and technical reports currently available from the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, including those produced under the organization’s former name, the Delaware Estuary Program. Most of these are available to the public; however, only some are currently available online.

Year Publication Download
2024 Improving the Water Quality of Delaware Ponds by Stocking Freshwater Mussels that Filter Nutrient-Laden Particles. PDE Report 24-02. Download PDF
2022 Exploring the Use of Freshwater Mussels for Water Quality Improvement in Stormwater Management Ponds Download PDF
2021 Enhancing Water Quality by Restoring Freshwater Mussels in an Urban River: Assessing and Testing Prospects in Relation to Salinity. PDE Report 21-02. Download PDF
2020 Enhancing the Water Quality Benefits of Shellfish-Based Living Shorelines in Delaware PDE Report 20-06. Download PDF
2020 Juvenile Freshwater Mussel Rearing for Water Quality Improvement in Delaware PDE Report 20-03. Download PDF
2020 Production of Juvenile Alewife Floaters and Eastern Pondmussels to Promote Water Quality in Southeast Pennsylvania PDE Report 20-01. Download PDF
2019 Effects of Coastal Flooding on the Growth of Trees in Low-Lying Forests along the St. Jones River, Delaware PDE Report 19-09. Download PDF
2019 The Equal Importance of Rapid and Intensive Metrics for Coastal Wetland Reference Standards in New Jersey PDE Report 19-08. Download PDF
2019 Multi-Year Review of Long Term Monitoring Efforts in the Mid-Atlantic PDE Report 19-06. Download PDF
2019 Enhancement of Ribbed Mussel Populations in Mid-Atlantic Salt Marshes and Living Shorelines for Water Quality Ecosystem Services PDE Report 19-04. Download PDF
2019 Living Shorelines to Enhance Wetlands, Improve Water Quality, and Engage Communities in Camden, New Jersey PDE Report 19-03.
2018 Juvenile Freshwater Mussel Stocking for Water Quality Enhancement in Southeast Pennsylvania Waters Download PDF
2018 Restoration of Several Native Species of Bivalve Molluscs for Water Quality Improvement in Mid-Atlantic Watersheds. Danielle Kreeger, Catherine M. Gatenby and Peter W. Bergstrom. Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 37: 1121-1157. Download PDF
2018 Living Shorelines Assessment for Community Resiliency in Coastal Pennsylvania PDE Report 18-04. Download PDF
2018 Decision-making for Coastal Adaptation: Sustaining Coastal Salt Marshes for Ecosystem Services along the Jersey Shore PDE Report 18-03. Download PDF
2017 Professional Monitoring Data Summary for the Implemented Coastal Resiliency Projects PDE Report 17-15. Download PDF
2017 Final Monitoring Plans for Coastal Resiliency Projects. PDE Report 17-14. Download PDF
2017 Rain Gardens for Water Quality Improvement in 3M Communities. PDE Report 17-11. Download PDF
2017 Rain Gardens for Water Quality Improvement in 3M Communities: Appendix A Maintenance Guide. PDE Report 17-11. Download PDF
2017 Mid-Atlantic Tidal Rapid Assessment: Development of a Shoreline Change Metric to Strengthen the Shoreline Attribute. PDE Report 17-10. Download PDF
2017 Technical Report for the Delaware Estuary & Basin. PDE Report No. 17-07. Download PDF
2017 Determination of Filtration Capacity and Pollutant Removal of Freshwater Mussels in Delaware Streams. PDE Report 17-04. Download PDF
2017 Rapid Vulnurability Assessment of Tidal Wetlands Using the Marsh Futures Approach to Guide Strategic Municipal Projects. PDE Report 17-03. Download PDF
2017 Long Term Reference Data in New Jersey Coastal Marshes: Perspectives on Elevation Dynamics and Thin Layer Placement. PDE Report 17-02. Download PDF
2017 Proceedings of the Seventh Delaware Estuary Science and Environmental Summit. PDE Report No. 17-01. Download PDF
2016 The Value of Water: An Innovative Financing Project. PDE Report No. 16-13. Download PDF
2016 Design Implementation and Evaluation of Three Living Shoreline Treatments at the DuPont Nature Center, Mispillion River, Milford, DE. PDE Report No. 16-12. Download PDF
2016 Freshwater Mussel Reintroduction Research Project 2016: Advancements in Freshwater Mussel Restoration at Longwood Gardens. PDE Report No. 16-11. Download PDF
2016 Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Three Living Shoreline Treatments in Lewes and Inland Bays, DE. PDE Report No. 16-10. Download PDF
2016 Monitoring Strategies for the Kirkwood Cohansey Aquifer System. PDE Report No. 16-06. Download PDF
2015 Importance of Ribbed Mussels for Salt Marsh Climate Adaptation and Water Quality Management in Atlantic Estuaries, Geospatial variation of ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) nutrient removal and vertical marsh building ecosystem services across the salt marsh landscape. PDE Report No. 15-09. Download PDF
2015 Factors Governing the Vulnerability of Coastal Marsh Platforms to Sea Level Rise. PDE Report No. 15-08. Download PDF
2015 Assessing the Status of Freshwater Mussels within Longwood Gardens. PDE Report No. 15-07. Download PDF
2015 Mid-Atlantic Tidal Rapid Assessment-2014 Update Mullica River & Dennis Creek. PDE Report No. 15-06. Download PDF
2015 Proceedings of the Fifth Delaware Estuary Science and Environmental Summit. PDE Report No. 15-05. Download PDF
2015 Current Status and Restoration of Freshwater Mussels in Northern Delaware. PDE Report No. 15-04. Download PDF
2015 Marsh Futures. Use of scientific survey tools to assess local salt marsh vulnerability and chart best management practices and interventions. PDE Report No. 15-03. Download PDF
2015 Freshwater Mussel Scientific Research and Community Involvement for Improved Water Quality in the Urban PA Coastal Zone. PDE Report No. 15-02. Download PDF
2015 Reintroduction of Freshwater Mussels into Skippack Creek. PDE Report No. 15-01. Download PDF
2014 Condition of Wetlands in the Christiana River Watershed. PDE Report No. 14-06. Download PDF
2014 Development of a Conceptual Plan for a Living Shoreline Near Harrison Ave Camden NJ. PDE Report No. 14-05. Download PDF
2014 Site Specific Intensive Monitoring of Coastal Wetlands in Dividing Creek New Jersey Watershed, 2012-2013. PDE Report No. 14-04. Download PDF
2014 Re-Introduction of Freshwater Mussels into Red Clay and White Clay Creeks, DE. PDE Report No. 14-02. Download PDF
2014 The Re-Introduction of Freshwater Mussels to the Mainstem Skippack Creek. Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Sponsored by the Lower Salford Township Authority. PDE Report No. 14-01. Download PDF
2014 Christina Coastal Wetland Health Report Card. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Download PDF
2013 A Freshwater Mussel Recovery Strategy for the Delaware Estuary and River Basin. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. April 2013. 7 p. Download PDF
2013 Connecting People to Aquatic Biodiversity: Freshwater Mussel Surveys in Pennsylvania's Coastal Zone. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Report 13-02. Download PDF
2013 Monitoring and Assessment of Representative Tidal Wetlands of the Delaware Estuary. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 13-03. 1-144 pp. Download PDF
2012 Technical Report for the Delaware Estuary & Basin. P. Cole and D. Kreeger (eds.), Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 12-01. 1-255 pp. Download PDF
2012 State of the Estuary 2012. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Estuary News Summer Edition, Vol. 22, Issue 4. Download PDF
2012 Developement and Implementation of an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program for Tidal Wetlands. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 12-03. 1-77 pp. Download PDF
2012 Delaware Living Shoreline Possibilities- Final Report to Delaware Coastal Programs. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 12-04. 1-86 pp. Download PDF
2012 New Jersey Living Shoreline Possibilities- Final Report to the Dodge Foundation. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 12-05. 1-77 pp. Download PDF
2012 Freshwater Mussel Recovery Program in the Delaware Estuary. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 12-02. pp.42 Download PDF
2011 Delaware Estuary Benthic Inventory (DEBI) - An exploration of what lies beneath the Delaware Bay and River. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 11-06. pp. 71 Download PDF
2011 Condition of Tidal Freshwater Wetlands in Pennsylvania. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 11-05. pp. 33 Download PDF
2011 Practitioner's Guide: Shellfish-based Living Shorelines for Salt Marsh Erosion Control and Environmental Enhancement in the Mid-Atlantic. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary and Rutgers' Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory. Report No. 11-04. 1-47 pp. Download PDF
2011 Proceedings for the Fourth Delaware Estuary Science & Environmental Summit. P. Cole and D. Kreeger (eds.), Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 11-01. 1-154 pp. Download PDF
2011 Marine Bivalve Shellfish Conservation Priorities for the Delaware Estuary. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 11-03. 1-54 pp. Download PDF
2010 Application of Ecological and Economic Models of the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise to the Delaware Estuary Download PDF
2010 Climate Change and the Delaware Estuary: Three Case Studies in Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 10-01. 1 –117 pp. Download PDF
2010 Delaware River and Bay Oil Spill Advisory Committee Report. DRBOSAC, Report No. 10-12. 1-63 pp. Download PDF
2009 Regional Restoration Blueprint Report. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 09-02. 1-30 pp. Download PDF
2009 Proceedings for the Third Delaware Estuary Science & Environmental Summit. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 09-01. 1-131 pp. Download PDF
2008 From the headwaters to the coast: a watershed-based perspective on bivalve shellfish restoration. Danielle Kreeger, David Bushek. J. Shellfish Res. 27(4):1022.
2008 State of the Estuary Report. 2008. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 08-1. 36 pp. Download PDF
2008 Utilization of Spartina- and Phragmites-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter by Bacteria and Ribbed Mussels (Geukensia demissa) from Delaware Bay Salt Marshes. 2008. Bushaw-Newton, Karen L., Sarah Doaty, Danielle A. Kreeger, and David J. Velinsky. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Port Republic, MD. 10 pp. Download PDF
2008 Proceedings for the Second Delaware Estuary Science & Environmental Summit. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Report No. 08-02. 1-113 pp. Download PDF
2006 The Delaware Estuary: A Watershed of Distinction. 2006. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 06-04. 6 pp. Download PDF
2006 Guide to the Natural Communities of the Delaware Estuary: Version 1. 2006. Westervelt, K., E. Largay, R. Coxe, W. McAvoy, S. Perles, G. Podniesinski, L. Sneddon, and K. Strakosch Walz. Copyright © 2006 NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report #06-02. 338 pp. Download PDF
2006 Key to the Delaware Estuary Ecological Systems and Natural Communities. Version 1. 2006. Sneddon, L., S. Gawler and E. Largay. Copyright © 2006 NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 06-03. 77 pp. Download PDF
2006 White paper on the status and needs of science in the Delaware Estuary. 2006. Kreeger, D., R. Tudor, J. Sharp, S. Kilham, D. Soeder, M. Maxwell-Doyle, J. Kraeuter, D. Frizzera, J. Hameedi and C. Collier. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 06-01. 72 pp. Download PDF
2006 Delaware Estuary Bottom Mapping and Review of Benthic Sampling Alternatives. 2006. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 06-05. 19 pp. Download PDF
2005 Proceedings of the First Delaware Estuary Science Conference. D. A. Kreeger (ed.), Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 05-01. 4 pp. Download PDF
2005 Signature Ecological Traits of the Delaware Estuary: Tidal Freshwater Wetlands. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Contributed Report No. 05-01. 3 pp.
2002 2002 State of the Delaware Estuary Report. Joe Matassino, et al. (ed.). Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Report No. 02-01. pp.20. Download PDF
1996 Delaware Estuary: Discover its Secrets: A Management Plan for the Delaware Estuary, Battelle Ocean Sciences.. Download PDF
1996 The Thousand Acre Marsh Wetland Rehabilitation Project: An Innovative Approach to Management of Private Lands. DELEP Report Number 96-03 (Limited Copies).
1996 The Scientific Characterization of the Delaware Estuary by Clay C. Sutton, John C. O'Herron, II, and Robert T. Zappalorti, April 1996. DELEP Report Number 96-02. Please email Karl S. Heinicke for complete report on CD or print media. Download PDF
1995 A Cooperative Monitoring Plan for the Delaware Estuary by Jonathan H. Sharp and Rarria O'Malley Walsh, February 1995. Revised August 1995. DELEP Report No. 95-02. Download PDF
1995 Delaware Estuary Program Base Programs Inventory, Summary and Analysis, May 1995. DELEP Report No. 95-04. Download PDF
1995 Delaware Estuary Program Draft Management Plan Summary of Public Comments and Program Responses. November 1995. DELEP Report Number 95-08.
1995 Estimates of Contaminant Inputs To The Delaware Estuary by Versar, Inc., May 5, 1995. DELEP Report Number 95-03. Download PDF
1995 Impact Assessment of DELEP CCMP versus Status Quo on Twelve Municipalities in the DELEP Region by Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research, August 1995. DELEP Report Number 95-06. Download PDF
1995 Living Resources of the Delaware Estuary, edited by L. E. Dove and R. M. Nyman, June 1995. DELEP Report Number 95-07. Download PDF
1995 Stormwater Management for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control in the Delaware Estuary Drainage: Tools for Local Environmental Decision Makers, compiled and edited by Stephen R. Hammell, May 1995. DELEP Report Number 95-05.
1995 Tidal Wetlands Characterization - Then and Now by Wetlands Research Associates, Inc., January 1995. DELEP Report Number 95-01. Download PDF
1994 A Survey of Fish in the Delaware Estuary from the Area of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal to Trenton, by John C. O'Herron, Thomas Lloyd and Kim Laidig, March 1, 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-01. Download PDF
1994 Biostratigraphy of the Delaware Estuary, by Grace S. Brush, November 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-10. Download PDF
1994 Delaware Estuary Program, Regional Monitoring Plan and Appendices, 2 Volumes by Tetra Tech, Inc., September 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-09. Download PDF
1994 Distributions of Chemical Contaminants and Acute Toxicity in Delaware Estuary Sediments, by Arthur D. Little, Inc., June 4, 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-08. Download PDF
1994 Fish Consumption Patterns of Delaware Recreational Fishermen and Their Households, by David C. Cox and Associates, April 13, 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-07.
1994 History of the Human Ecology of the Delaware Estuary, by Jonathan Berger, John Walter Sinton, John Radke, April 27, 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-03. Download PDF
1994 Land Use and Nonpoint Pollution Study of the Delaware River Basin, by Penn State Environmental Resources Research Institute, March 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-04. Download PDF
1994 Land Use Management and National Park Service Control for the Delaware Estuary: The Pennsylvania Project, by the Greeley-Polhemus Group, June 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-05. Download PDF
1994 Guidance for Voluntary Local Government Implementation of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Protecting Local Streams and the Delaware River, by Greeley-Polhemus Group, Inc., October 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-05A. Download PDF
1994 Regional Information Management Service, (RIMS) Data Management Plan, by American Management Systems, Inc., May 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-02. Download PDF
1994 Status and Trends of the Delaware Estuary Watershed, by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, June 1994. DELEP Report Number 94-06.
1993 Delaware Estuary Program Annual Report. 1993
1991 Clean Water Works Watershed Management Plan. DELEP. 1991 Download PDF

Please send your comments or suggestions to the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s science director.