What is the Urban Waters Federal Partnership?

The goal of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP) is to restore and reconnect urban communities, particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed, to waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies and partners.

There are 21 Designated Urban Waters locations in this national program, which aims to reconnect urban communities —especially those that are overburdened or economically distressed—with their waterways by enhancing coordination among federal agencies.

You can learn more about  Urban Waters at the federal level here. You can view the federal Urban Waters Progress Report here.

The Urban Waters Delaware River Location

A map showing the four cities of the Urban Waters Delaware River location, including Philadelphia and Chester in Pennsylvania, Camden in New Jersey, and Wilmington in Delaware.

The Greater Philadelphia Area/Delaware River Watershed Urban Waters Federal Partnership Location encompasses four major cities and their surrounding urban areas draining to the Lower Delaware River:

  • Camden, NJ
  • Chester, PA
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Wilmington, DE

Over 15 million people (roughly 5 percent of the nation’s population) rely on the waters of the Delaware River Basin for drinking, agricultural and industrial use, most of which are concentrated in urban areas.

Goals and Initiatives

The Delaware River Location strives to, alongside community members, revitalize and remedy aging infrastructure, a history of environmental pollution, and the brunt of increasing climate change impacts on already-vulnerable communities. Priorities for the Delaware River Location include:

  • Clean Waters and Healthy Habitats
    1. Reduce flooding through stormwater management and climate resiliency
    2. Conserve natural areas and restore lost habitat
    3. Improve water quality in the tributaries and main stem of the Delaware River
    4. Transform Brownfields sites into community assets
  • Healthy, Resilient, and Accessible Communities
    1. Build local capacity by training, paying, funding, and empowering communities to become leaders of environmental stewardship
    2. Enhance and create public green space and waterfront access
    3. Increase outdoor recreation
    4. Engage underserved communities
    5. Equip communities to be resilient to climate change impacts
    6. Ensure sustainable development
    7. Support sustainable urban agriculture


How do I get involved?

There are many ways to be involved as an Urban Waters partner! Do you need additional resources, letters of support, or funds for a project? Do you want to get involved in our monthly meetings?


Our workgroup meetings bring together federal, inter-state, state, and regional nonprofit organizations to collaborate and share resources, fostering a unified approach to Urban Waters initiatives in the region.

Please contact John Harrod, PDE’s Engagement Director, at jharrod@delawareestuary.org.

Additional resources from past meetings and from our past webinar series can be found below.

Urban Waters Meeting Resources

Meeting DateAgenda / MinutesOther Meeting Materials
Dec. 17, 2024Meeting Minutes
Nov. 19, 2024Meeting Minutes
Sept. 17, 2024Meeting Minutes
Aug. 20, 2024Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2024Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2024Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2024Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2024Meeting Agenda
March 19,2024Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2024Meeting Agenda
January 16, 2024Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2023Meeting MinutesFinal approved 2024 Workplan
November 21, 2023Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2023Minutes
September 21, 2023Minutes
August 15, 2023Minutes
July 18, 2023Minutes
June 20, 2023Minutes
May 16, 2023MinutesBlog Post: Our Shared Waters
Article: NJDEP Expanding Brownfields Partnership with Municipalities
Website: The Water Table Project
April 18, 2023Minutes
March 21, 2023Agenda
February 21, 2023Minutes
January 17, 2023Minutes
December 20, 2022Minutes
November 15, 2022Minutes2022 Community Fund Project Results
Disadvantaged Communities Definitions of the Delaware Estuary
US FWS Book Club
2023 Draft Workplan
October 18, 2022MinutesDRBC Aquatic Life Designated Use Study
NASA Develop
September 20, 2022Minutes
August 16, 2022Minutes
June 21, 2022Minutes
May 17, 2022Minutes
April 19, 2022MinutesUrban Waters in the CDRW Blog!
EPA Water Equity Mapping Pilot Project
March 15, 2022Minutes
February 15, 2022MinutesRiver Network Article: "Integrating Equity Into Integrated Water Management Planning"
December 8, 2021This meeting was dedicated to finalizing the 2022 Workplan
November 10, 2021MinutesCramer Hill Park Article
EPA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Fact Sheet
NFWF 5 Star and Urban Waters Grants 2022 RFP
October 13, 2021Minutes
September 8, 2021Minutes
August 11, 2021Minutes
Urban Waters grant info
March 10, 2021Draft Workplan Online Feedback Form
Final Webinar Agenda
February 10, 2021MinutesDraft Workplan Online Feedback Form
Brownfields and EJ Communities of Practice Draft Webinar Series Agenda
January 13, 2021Minutes
Draft Workplan Revised Feb2021
December 2, 2020Minutes
Workplan Draft Ideas
Example Urban Waters Location Goals
November 4, 2020Minutes
October 5, 2020Minutes
September 2, 2020MinutesUrban Waters Partners Survey Feedback
July 23, 2020Agenda
Urban Youth Waterways Webinar Contacts
USFWS Urban Bird Treaty Program Guidebook
June 16, 2020Agenda

Urban Waters Futures Strategy
May 6, 2020Agenda