The PDE Alliance is a collaboration of diverse public and private entities working to protect and enhance the Delaware Estuary. Since 2010, the PDE Alliance annually identifies a select list of projects to support and promote based on expert review of projects from the PDE Project Registry. Qualifying projects must hit one or more of the Regional Restoration Initiative priorities: 1) tidal wetlands, 2) urban waterfronts, 3) forested riparian and headwaters areas, and 4) shellfish or other signature species of the Delaware Estuary. For more information, please contact the Restoration Coordinator.
Map of the 2013 Alliance Priority Projects |
Past Projects
2013 Priority Project Summaries 2012 Priority Project Summaries |
The PDE Alliance selects its priority projects from the Project Registry. The Project Registry is open year-round to match funding needs with funders. To submit a project or to browse projects in the Project Registry, click on the icon to the left.