Read the Latest Estuary News

In this issue…


PDE’s Assistant Director of Estuary Science and others are using tree rings to study sea level rise effects on coastal forests. Here’s what they found out. 

Plus! PDE played host to visitors from near and far last summer to tour the Delaware River Watershed. Where did they go?

All of this and more are part of this issue. Click here for more!

Be a Mentor in PDE’s Artist in Residence Program. See our Request for Qualifications and Apply!

PDE is looking for someone to be a mentor in its Artist in Residence program. See our Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and apply!
Deadline is Jan. 6, 2025. See information below.

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE) is pleased to announce its pilot Artist in Residence program and its requests for qualifications.

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is seeking a single (1) qualified mentor to guide four (4) artists who will each create art projects focused on the intersection of water quality and climate change that will include community input and engagement. The selected mentor will work closely with the artists to help them develop and refine their projects while ensuring they are responsive to both the artistic process and the concerns and interests of the communities involved. The mentor will work with the artists from January 2025 through June 2026.

It is envisioned that the mentor will meet collectively with the 4 participating artists once a month over the 18-month project period. Four of these meetings will be in person (one in each of the urban water cities), and the remaining meetings can be conducted virtually. The selected mentor should also intend to implement weekly individual meetings between the mentor and each artist individually. These meetings will provide an opportunity for the mentor to offer personalized guidance, address any challenges, and ensure the projects are progressing smoothly.

For FULL details and information on how to apply, please see the Request for Qualifications Request for Qualifications.

 Please submit all required materials to Eve Quinones at You may reach out to Eve if you have questions about the application process.

The application deadline for submission is Jan. 6, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.


This pilot will address critical water quality challenges and was developed in response to President Biden’s Executive Order (EO) on Arts and Humanities (EO 14084 Promoting the Arts, the Humanities, and Museum and Library Services, October 5, 2022). The AIR pilot is a partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), select National Estuary Programs, and Urban Waters Federal Partnership locations (UWFP).

People viewing art on the walls at the Delaware Museum of Nature & Science.
Artwork by Natalie Orga
Artwork by Helen Munnelly

We’re Looking for Contractors






Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is looking for qualified contractors serving the Exton, PA area to replace existing paved surfaces with porous paving, retrofit two stormwater basins, and install two new rain gardens.

To submit a bid, visit:

The deadline to submit a bit is Sept. 18.

Dive Into Our Freshwater Mussel Story Map!

What are freshwater mussels?

Freshwater mussels are bivalve mollusks just like oysters, clams, and saltwater mussels. But how are these mussels different from saltwater mussels?

Want to learn more? Explore our freshwater mussels page and our new story map!

We’re Hiring!

Join the Team

Join Our Team. We’re looking for a new Delaware Community Coordinator to oversee the day-to-day activities related to local community engagement projects in Delaware and the surrounding area. To see the full job description and information on how to apply, CLICK HERE.

View Our Calendar

Where can you find PDE? All over the place. Just take a look at our calendar page and list of events we have going on in the Delaware Estuary.

Click HERE to go to our calendar page.

Scoop the Poop!

Picking up After Your Pooch is Pawsitively a Big Deal

What do you do when your pup does No. 2? Scoop the poop.

Click this link to learn why.

2023 State of the Estuary Report

Our 2023 State of the Estuary Report is hot off the press!  The Delaware Estuary and Watershed has maintained a “fair” rating since 2012. Find out what determined this rating by visiting the report HERE.

Enter our Art Contest!

Artwork by Christina Holubinka

It’s time to enter the 2024 Trash Into Treasure Art Contest!

Artists, if you’re 18 years or older and live in the state of Delaware, you could be eligible to enter our art contest aimed at raising awareness about the importance of clean waterways.  There are prizes for winning entries!

Click HERE for more information and an entry form.

We’re Looking for Volunteers!

Are you handy with carpentry? Do you enjoy volunteer work?

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary has a need for a carpenter who would like to volunteer for a project.

For more information, visit our Volunteer page. 

Take Our Quiz for National Estuaries Week (September 16 – 23, 2023)

2022 Annual Report

Read about what we did in 2022 for Clean Waters, Healthy Habitats, and Strong Communities, with help from supporters like you. Click HERE to learn more.

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