


Supporting Documents

Conceptual Diagrams

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Supporting Documents

Methods, reports and quality assurance project plans used by the Mid Atlantic Coastal Wetlands Assessment program and its partners can be found on this page. Follow the link below to our standard methods bank, find associated reports written by partners, and explore detailed documents outlining monitoring plans and procedures.

Standard Methods

For a full list of methods follow this link to the Standard Methodologies Bank Homepage. PDE has compiled standard operating procedures and methods for assessing and monitoring the condition of coastal wetlands and outcomes from restoration projects such as living shorelines, oyster reefs, and freshwater mussel beds.


Partnership for the Delaware Estuary general reports page and MACWA specific reports page
Academy of Natural Sciences reports page
Barnegat Bay Partnership reports page
New Jersey DEP Division of Science, Research, and Environmental health reports page
DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship reports page

Quality Assurance Project Plans

A quality assurance project plan (QAPP) is a document intended to outline monitoring, data collection, data analysis, and data accountability procedures. Below are MACWA QAPPS and additional appendixes available for public use. Umbrella QAPPS were designed to define overall MACWA program practices.

Umbrella (non-specific to particular grant projects)
QAPP: Site Site Specific Intensive Monitoring (SSIM)
SSIM Standard Operating Procedures

QAPP: Mid Atlantic Rapid Assessment Methods (RAM or MidTRAM)
RAM Methods version 3.0 and version 4.1 (newest version)

Previous (project specific)
Head Quarter QAPPs
Development and Implementation of SSIM 2009
Rapid Assessment of Tidal Wetlands in the Delaware Estuary 2010
Blue Carbon in Natural Estuarine Wetlands and Living Shorelines 2016

EPA Region 2 QAPPs
Development and Implementation of SSIM 2010
Planning for the Next Big Storm 2015
Rapid Assessment of Tidal Wetlands 2010

Thanks to Our Supporters

The Mid Atlantic Coastal Wetlands Assessment program would not be possible without the generous funding and support provided by the US EPA Region 2, US EPA Region 3, and the US EPA Head Quarters. Additionally, the MACWA team is deeply grateful for our other funders including New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Coastal Zone, the National Estuary Program, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Coastal and Land Use Planning, Pennsylvania Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, and DuPont Clear into the Future.