
The Standard Methods Resource table below is meant to be used in conjunction with the Standard Methods Bank Table: Mussels. The reference numbers below correspond with the reference numbers in the Standard Methodologies Table. Use these numbers to quickly locate the methods you need for your project. These resources will provide you with information to carry out any of the metrics outlined in the Standard Methods Bank. The resources vary from individual methods (written by PDE staff and others) to large user manuals geared to a variety of user groups. This is a living document which will be updated as necessary to incorporate new metrics and methods.

Reference NumberTitle & WeblinkLead EntityContact PersonSuggested Citation
1Mussel Survey ProgramPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryAngela Padeletti
2Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Method Manual
US Environmental Protection Agency, National Estuary ProgramOW-General@epamail.epa.govOrhel, R. L., Register, K. M. (eds.) (2006). Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual. Second
Edition, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water; Washington, DC, USA.
3Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods ManualUS Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Waterow-owow-internet-comments@epa.govUSEPA. 1997b. Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual. EPA 841-B-97-003. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. 277pp.
4Discharge Measurements at Gaging StationsUS Geological SurveyPhil Turnipseed
Turnipseed, D.P., and Sauer, V.B., 2010, Discharge measurements at gaging stations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 3, chap. A8, 87 p. (Also available at
5Methods Approved to Analyze Drinking Water Samples to Ensure Compliance with RegulationsEnvironmental Protection Agency Contact Here
6Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geologic SurveyUS Geological Survey Contact HereGuy, H.P. 1969. Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis. US Geological Survey Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, Book 5, Chapter C1. 64pp.
7Fresh Water Mussel Collection

Partnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Freshwater Mussel Collection. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE-FMRP-Method No. 01. 3pp.
8Freshwater Mussel Benthic Habitat CharacterizationPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Freshwater Mussel Benthic Habitat Characterization. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 02. 3pp.
9Measuring Freshwater MusselsPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Measuring Freshwater Mussel. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 03. 3pp.
10Water Quality Monitoring Using a Handheld Sonde for in situ MeasurementsPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Water Quality Monitoring Using a Handheld Sonde for in situ Measurements. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 04. 9pp.
11Qualitative Freshwater Mussel Survey Partnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Qualitative Freshwater Mussel Survey. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 05. 6pp.
12Semi-Quantitative Freshwater Mussel SurveyPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Semi-Quantitative Freshwater Mussel Survey. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 06. 5pp.
13Quantitative Freshwater Mussel SurveyPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Quantitative Freshwater Mussel Survey. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 07. 6pp.
14Freshwater Mussel Tagging, Release, and MonitoringPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Freshwater Mussel Tagging, Release, and Monitoring. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 07. 6pp.
15Freshwater Mussel Gravidity CheckPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Freshwater Mussel Gravidity Check. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 09. 3pp.
16Glochidia Extraction and AssessmentPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Cheng, K. 2017. Glochidia Extraction and Assessment. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE FMRP Method No. 10. 4pp.
17 Preparation of Samples for Chemical and Biochemical Characterization of Algae and SestonPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Kreeger, D. 1994. Preparation of Samples for Chemical and Biochemical Characterization of Algae and Seston. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 04. 3pp.
18Biomass Measurement I. Particle and Volumetric ConcentrationPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryKurt Cheng
Kreeger, D. 1995. Biomass Measurement I. Particle and Volumetric Concentration. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 06. 5pp.
19Biomass Measurement II. Dry and Ash-Free Dry WeightPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 1995. Biomass Measurement II. Dry and Ash-Free Dry Weight. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 07. 4pp.
20Biochemical Analyses I. ProteinPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 1995. Biochemical Analyses I. Protein. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 12. 4pp.
21Biochemical Analyses II. LipidPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 1995. Biochemical Analyses II. Lipid. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 13. 10pp.
22Biochemical Analyses III. CarbohydratePartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 1999. Biochemical Analyses III. Carbohydrate. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 14. 3pp.
23Determination of Condition Index and Tissue Preparation for Biochemical Analysis of Bivalve MolluscsPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 2012. Determination of Condition Index and Tissue Preparation for Biochemical Analysis of Bivalve Molluscs. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 16. 3pp.
24Collection of Seston for Particle Counting, Weight-On-Ignition Analysis or Proximate Biochemical Analysis Partnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 2017. Collection of Seston for Particle Counting, Weight-On-Ignition Analysis or Proximate Biochemical Analysis. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 23. 11pp.
25Weight-specific Processing Rates and Fates of Suspended Microparticulate Matter Consumed by Bivalve MolluscsPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 2012. Weight-specific Processing Rates and Fates of Suspended Microparticulate Matter Consumed by Bivalve Molluscs. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 32. 15pp.
26Water Collection for Seston Analysis and Bivalve FeedingPartnership for the Delaware EstuaryDanielle Kreeger
Kreeger, D. 2012. Water Collection for Seston Analysis and Bivalve Feeding. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 35. 2pp.
27Method 1103.1: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar (mTEC)US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of WaterRobin Oshiro

U.S. EPA. March 2010. Method 1103.1: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar (mTEC), EPA-821/R10/002, Washington DC.
28Standard Operating Procedure for Chlorophyll a Sampling Method Field ProcedureEnvironmental Protection Agency
