Fun for Kids

Fun for Teachers

Teachers make all the difference!

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary sees teachers and nonformal educators as key allies in improving the Estuary. As educators, you have the power to inspire and influence young people. The more people that understand the value of the Estuary, the brighter our region’s future.

Make the Delaware Estuary come alive by bringing these resources to your classroom or after school group. Interested in one of the resources below? Fill out our interest form and a PDE staff member will be in touch soon. Questions can be directed to Chesa Blom at

Enviroscape Model

Enviroscape Model

Grade Level: 3rd – 8th Grade

Time Requirement: 1 Hour Lesson

Format: PDE Facilitated

Demonstrate how land use impacts water quality and what changing the landscape can do to improve the environment. This wetland and floodplain model shows how land development can negatively impact waterways and how restoration practices can help. Students will learn about point and non-point source pollution, stormwater runoff, and actions they can take to improve local water quality.

Mussels for Clean Water Kit

Mussels for Clean Water Kit

Grade Level: 4th– 6th Grade

Time Requirement: 3, 1-Hour Lessons; lessons can be done individually or as a series

Format: PDE Facilitated or Loaned to Educators

At the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, we love freshwater mussels, and we want you to love them too! But how can you love something you don’t know much about? We want to change that and share with you all things mussels! That’s why we have developed 3 interactive lesson plans designed to share about the importance of this aquatic organism. Each lesson features a fun activity that gets students up, moving around, and practicing their scientific skills. Learn more about these lessons by visiting our Mussels for Clean Water Webpage.

Planting for Clean Water Kit

Planting for Clean Water Kit

Grade Level: 2nd– 4th Grade

Time Requirement: 45-Minute Lesson

Format: PDE Facilitated or Loaned to Educators

Educators of all types can help teach children about the power of plants to improve our waterways with Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s Planting for Clean Water Activity Kit. Receive everything you need to plant two varieties of wildflowers and track their progress over time. This kit is geared towards students in 2nd-4th grade, but could be used by all. If you are interested in larger scale projects for your school property, learn more by visiting our Schoolyard Habitats Webpage.

Shoreline Model

Shoreline Model

Grade Level: 4th – 8th Grade

Time Requirement: 45-Minute Lesson

Format: PDE Facilitated

Investigate different shoreline restoration practices and the benefits of living shorelines with this 3D printed model. Students can compare and contrast hardscaped versus natural landscaped shorelines and the impact these differences have on people, fish, and water resources. Learn more by visiting our Living Shoreline Resources Webpage.

The Watershed Game

The Watershed Game

Grade Level: 6th-12th Grade

Time Requirement: 1-2.5 hours, depending on format played

Format: PDE Facilitated

Explore relationships between land uses, flood resiliency, and water pollution in this large format, classroom wide, board game. Students will work in teams, each representing a real-life land use, and attempt to make environmental improvements related to pollution and flooding. The Watershed Game encourages watershed-level thinking and cooperation among different interest groups. PDE has the Watershed Game Classroom Model in both available versions, Coast and Stream.