STAC Members
The STAC is a 18 member body led by two chairpersons and the PDE Science Director. Standing representatives are appointed by key partners of the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. Elected representatives are nominated to achieve a balance of technical expertise diverse representation across workplace sectors (e.g. agencies, academia, industry, NGO). See the STAC Charter and STAC Membership List for more information.
Gregory Lech, Fisheries Biologist, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Division of Environmental Services
P.O. Box 356 Revere, PA 18953
Phone: 610-847-8772 Email:
Science Advisor:
LeeAnn Haaf, Ph.D, Assistant Director of Estuary Science; Partnership for the Delaware Estuary;
One Riverwalk Plaza; 110 S. Poplar Street, Suite 202; Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone, 302-655-4990 x104
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary:
Kathy Klein (ex officio representative), Executive Director; Partnership for the Delaware Estuary;
One Riverwalk Plaza; 110 S. Poplar Street, Suite 202; Wilmington, DE 19801;
Phone, 302-655-4990 x102;