Who Will Be the Next Philadelphia Water Department Spokesdog?
YOU decide!
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary and the Philadelphia Water Department have teamed up with Philly-area animal shelters for its Spokesdog contest. Morris Animal Refuge, PAWS (Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society), Pennsylvania SPCA and Animal Care and Control Team of Philadelphia (ACCT).
From now through May 26, go to PDE’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages (our handle is @DelawareEstuary) and vote for your choice for Spokesdog by “liking” the dog’s picture. After May 26, we’ll tally the votes across social media platforms and crown the new Spokesdog 2021!
The 2021 Spokesdog will spend the year helping Philadelphia Water Department educate the public about properly disposing of dog waste.
To find out more information about the connection between pet waste and clean water, visit https://www.delawareestuary.org/manage-dog-waste/
Meet the contestants!