What is the Delaware Estuary Program?

What is the Delaware Estuary Program?

The Delaware Estuary Program (DELEP) is one of 28 congressionally designated National Estuary Programs throughout the coastal United States working to improve the environmental health of the nation’s estuaries. The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE) is a non-profit organization established in 1996 and based in Wilmington, DE. PDE and partners of DELEP work together to coordinate and implement long-term plans for the Delaware Estuary Focus Area. The partners of DELEP have committed to implement strategies in the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) with support and collaboration from the broader community of local, state, regional, and federal partners, as well as non-profit organizations and the private sector.


Delaware Estuary Program Organization Chart

PDE is the host of DELEP and responsible for working with partners to increase awareness, understanding, and scientific knowledge about the Delaware Estuary. PDE is also a member of the DELEP Management Conference. PDE facilitates several DELEP committees, including the Steering Committee (SC), the Estuary Implementation Committee (EIC), the Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), as well as the PDE Board of Directors. The SC is comprised of agency leaders and top management officials. The EIC includes additional DELEP agency members representing planning and management. Members of the STAC represent a diverse body of scientists and resource managers. Core Partners of DELEP have standing representation on the EIC and SC. The STAC also includes DELEP agencies as well as other entities, including academy, industry, and federal government.

The Delaware Estuary Focus Area

The Delaware Estuary Focus Area

The tidal portion of the Delaware River Basin is the Delaware Estuary Program’s Focus Area and the study area for the CCMP. DELEP partners have agreed that some strategies in the CCMP should include actions in the Upper Basin, the nontidal portion of the Delaware River Basin, because of its influence downstream into the Estuary Focus Area.

Core Partners of the Delaware Estuary Program