Protecting the Estuary Through Corporate and Community Action

The Corporate and Community Environmental Stewardship Program (CESP) provides corporate and community members in the Delaware Estuary with the opportunity to take a leadership role in preserving their communities’ environmental well-being. These environmental stewards combine technical assistance from the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary with corporate funds and manpower to make tangible, environmental improvements in Delaware Estuary Watershed communities.

Whether you wish to address drainage problems on your corporate property or would like to get your employees out to work on a project at a local school or park, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary staff will work with CESP members to design the project, advise on any necessary permits and materials needed, partner with your staff to schedule appropriate work days and oversee the project.

CESP members can reduce the cost of managing their properties and build community and corporate relationships, all while restoring natural areas that protect wildlife habitats, preserve open space, and help provide clean water in local waterways flowing to the Delaware River and Bay.

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Examples of projects could include:

  • Corporate employees working with local school students to turn expensive, high-maintenance lawns into low-maintenance natural meadows which provide food and shelter for wildlife.
  • Local governments installing rain gardens in public areas to reduce unwanted ponding problems.
  • Community organizations working with local volunteers to plant native trees and plants along streams to protect fragile stream banks and reduce erosion.

CESP yearly membership is available in three levels depending on your interest and ability to take on an annual project:

Corporate Full Membership – $2,000

  • PDE restoration specialist will plan and coordinate a project on your site or in your community*
  • Placement of logo on this web page
  • Project information and organization name/logo featured in the winter issue of Estuary News (circulation of over 30,000)
  • Three invitations to the annual CESP event

Government / Nonprofit Full Membership – $1,500

  • PDE restoration specialist will plan and coordinate a project on your site or in your community*
  • Placement of logo on this web page
  • Project information and organization name/logo featured in the winter issue of Estuary News (circulation of over 30,000)
  • Three invitations to our annual CESP event

Associate Membership – $500

  • Placement of logo on this web page
  • Project information and organization name/logo listed in the annual CESP feature in Estuary News (circulation of over 30,000)
  • One invitation to our annual CESP event
  • Membership does not include an on-the-ground project/activity

Implement effective stormwater projects on your property with team-building efforts. Please contact PDE to sign up or learn more. And be sure to check out pictures and [galink url=”” title=”read about” blank=”true” ecat=”Downloads” eaction=”PDF” elabel=”partner-spotlight.pdf” evalue=”0″ /] last year’s projects.

*The annual membership fee does not include the cost of plants or other materials.


Premium Members


Logan Generating Company

New Castle County



Pepco Holdings, Inc.


Associate Members

Mannington Mills