The Standard Methods Resource table below is meant to be used in conjunction with the Standard Methods Bank Table. The reference numbers below correspond with the reference numbers in the Standard Methodologies Table. Use these numbers to quickly locate the methods you need for your project. These resources will provide you with information to carry out any of the metrics outlined in the Standard Methods Bank. The resources vary from individual methods (written by PDE staff and others) to large user manuals geared to a variety of user groups. This is a living document which will be updated as necessary to incorporate new metrics and methods.
Reference Number | Title & Weblink | Lead Entity | Contact Person | Suggested Citation |
1 | New Oyster Habitat Restoration Monitoring and Assessment Handbook | The Nature Conservancy | Boze Hancock | Baggett, L.P., S.P. Powers, R. Brumbaugh, L.D. Coen, B. DeAngelis, J. Greene, B. Hancock, and S. Morlock, 2014. Oyster habitat restoration monitoring and assessment handbook. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, USA., 96pp. |
2 | Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Method Manual | US Environmental Protection Agency, National Estuary Program | | Orhel, R. L., Register, K. M. (eds.) (2006). Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual. Second Edition, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Water; Washington, DC, USA. |
3 | Tidal Marsh Monitoring | USGS Western Ecological Research Center | | Turner, K., J.Y. Takekawa, I. Woo, C. Ellings, B. Root, and J.E. Takekawa. 2012. Tidal Marsh Monitoring Online Handbook. Available online at |
4 | Mid-Atlantic Tidal Wetland Rapid Assessment (MidTRAM) v 4.0 | Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control | Alison Rogerson | Rogerson, A., E. McLaughlin, K. Havens., and L. Haaf. 2016. Mid-Atlantic Tidal Wetland Rapid Assessment Method Version 4.0. Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Dover, DE., 44pp. |
5 | DSAS: Digital Shoreline Analysis System 4.0 | US Geologic Survey | Rober Thieler | Himmelstoss, E.A. 2009. “DSAS 4.0 Installation Instructions and User Guide” in: Thieler, E.R., Himmelstoss, E.A., Zichichi, J.L., and Ergul, Ayhan. 2009 Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.0 — An ArcGIS extension for calculating shoreline change: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1278. *updated for version 4.3. |
6 | The Surface Elevation Table and Marker Horizon Technique: A protocol for Monitoring Wetland Elevation Dynamics | National Park Service | Don Cahoon James Lynch | Lynch, J. C., P. Hensel, and D. R. Cahoon. 2015. The surface elevation table and marker horizon technique: A protocol for monitoring wetland elevation dynamics. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCBN/NRR—2015/1078. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
7 | Wetland Elevations at Sub-Centimeter Precision: Exploring the Use of Digital Barcode Leveling for Elevation Monitoring | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | n/a | Cain, M. R. & P. F. Hensel. “Wetland Elevations at Sub-Centimeter Precision: Exploring the Use of Digital Barcode Leveling for Elevation Monitoring.” Estuaries and Coasts, 9 June 2017. 10pp. |
8 | Citizen Scientist Monitoring of Nature-Based Coastal Resiliency and Restoration Projects: A Guidance Manual 4.2 | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | Matt Warren | Sherer, E., Bouboulis, S., Moody, J., Padeletti, A., and Demberger, S. Citizen Scientist Monitoring of Nature-based Coastal Resiliency and Restoration Projects: A Guidance Manual. 2017. |
9 | Paddle for the Edge Training Book 2017 | Barnegat Bay Partnership | | Reilly, E. 2017. Tidal Marsh Qualitative Shoreline Survey: Paddle for the Edge. Barnegat Bay Partnership. Toms River, NJ. 17pp. |
10 | Shear Vane Manual | Humbold: Testing Equipment for construction Materials | | |
11 | Method for Loss-On-Ignition (LOI) Weight Analyses | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Danielle Kreeger | Kreeger, D., A. Padeletti. 2010. Method for Loss-On-Ignition (LOI) Weight Analyses. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 33. 3pp. |
12 | Determination of Aboveground Biomass of Wetland Macrophytes | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Danielle Kreeger | Kreeger, D. 2014. Determination of Aboveground Biomass of Wetland Macrophytes. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE MethodNo. 38. 5pp. |
13 | Determination of Belowground Biomass of Wetland Macrophytes | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Danielle Kreeger | Kreeger, D. 2014. Determination of Belowground Biomass of Wetland Macrophytes. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 39. 4pp. |
14 | Methods for Fixed Photo Point Observations | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Sarah Bouboulis | Bouboulis, S. 2016. Methods for Fixed Photo Point Obserbations. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 51. 5 pp. |
15 | Methods for RTK Point Collection and ArcGIS Methods for Topographic Elevation Modeling in an Area of Interest | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Joshua Moody | Moody, J. 2017. Methods for RTK Point Collection and ArcGIS Methods for Topographic Elevation Modeling in an Area of Interest. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 47. 7pp. |
16 | Methods for Shellfish Population Density and Demographics in Living Shoreline Treatments | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Joshua Moody | Moody, J. 2017. Methods for Shellfish Population Density and Demographics in Living Shoreline Treatments. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 46. 7pp. |
17 | Field and Calculative Methods for the Measurement of Vegetation Robustness | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Joshua Moody | Moody, J. 2017. Field and Calculative Methods for the Measurement of Vegetation Robustness. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 45. 4pp. |
18 | Methods for Vegetation Growth | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | LaaAnn Haaf | Haaf, L. 2016. Method for Vegetation Growth. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 48. 3pp. |
19 | Methods for Percent Vegetative Cover | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | LeeAnn Haaf | Haaf, L. 2013. Method for Percent Vegetative Cover. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 49. 2pp. |
20 | Methods for Marsh Futures Area of Interest (AOI) Elevation Zone Delineation | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Joshua Moody | Moody, J. 2015. Methods for Marsh Futures Area of Interest (AOI) Elevation Zone Delineation. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 40. 12pp. |
21 | Determination of Salt Marsh Platform Topography | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | Joshua Moody | Moody, J. 2015. Determination of Salt Marsh Platform Topography. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 41. 6pp. |
22 | Method 1103.1: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar (mTEC) | US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water | Robin Oshiro | U.S. EPA. March 2010. Method 1103.1: Escherichia coli (E. coli) in Water by Membrane Filtration Using membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar (mTEC), EPA-821/R10/002, Washington DC. |
23 | Methods Approved to Analyze Drinking Water Samples to Ensure Compliance with Regulations | Environmental Protection Agency | Contact Here | |
24 | Standard Operating Procedure for Chlorophyll a Sampling Method Field Procedure | Environmental Protection Agency | ||
25 | EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes | US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development | U.S. EPA. March 1983. Methods of Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste (MCAWW), Section 9.3, EPA/600/4-79/020, Cincinnati OH. | |
26 | Discharge Measurements at Gaging Stations | US Geological Survey | Phil Turnipseed | Turnipseed, D.P., and Sauer, V.B., 2010, Discharge measurements at gaging stations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 3, chap. A8, 87 p. (Also available at |
27 | Stage Measurements at Gaging Stations | US Geological Survey | Phil Turnipseed | Sauer, V.B., and Turnipseed, D.P., 2010, Stage measurement at gaging stations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 3, chap. A7, 45 p. (Also available at |
28 | Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geologic Survey | US Geological Survey | Contact Here | Guy, H.P. 1969. Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis. US Geological Survey Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, Book 5, Chapter C1. 64pp. |
29 | Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual | US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water | | USEPA. 1997b. Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual. EPA 841-B-97-003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. 277pp. |
30 | LANDSAT Program | US Geological Survey | | |
31 | Living Shorelines Engineering Guidelines | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (by Stevens Institute of Technology) | Dr. Jon Miller | Miller, J. K., Rella, A., Williams, A., Sproule, E. (2015). Living Shorelines Engineering Guidelines. Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Laboratory Technical Report SIT-DL-14-9-2942, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 101pp. |
32 | Method for HOBO Water Level Logger Deployment and Assessing Hydroperiods on Tidal Marsh Platforms | Partnership for the Delaware Estuary | LeeAnn Haaf | Haaf, L. 2016. Method for HOBO Water Level Logger Deployment and Assessing Hydroperiods on Tidal Marsh Platforms. Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. PDE Method No. 50. 5pp. |